List of Publications

“Like Being Afraid of Beauty,” Kaleidoscope, July 2021, Issue 83, Page 28.


“Two Jews and an Ass Walk into a Manger,” Dash, 14th Edition, Spring 2021, Pg 338.


“Eating Habits of the Neurologically Unusual,” Caveat Lector, Volume 32, No. 1, 2021.


“Applications of Inertia in the Mohave Desert,” God’s Territory Review, February, 2021.


“A Terrible Dizziness,” Litbreak Magazine, November 2020.


“Looking in on the Formicarium,” When We Turned Within: Reflections on Covid-19 (Volume 2), October 2020, page 234.


“Can’t You See We’re Busy?,” Way Out Yonder Journal, September 2020.


“No Magic at All,” Santa Fe Writers Project Quarterly, May 2020.


“Vexing the Dog,” Entropy Magazine, November, 2019.


“Keeping the Magic Alive,” Penmen Review, August 2019.


“A Kind Disruption of the Heart,” Bluestem, 2019.


“How I Got to Where I Am,” American Directional Correction Institute Press, April 2019.


“The Buddhist’s Kiss,” Coachella Review.


“All the People Who Were Mean to Me,” Turkish Delight University Press, April, 2018.


“Domestic Programming in the Young Human Female,” American Writers Review, Summer 2018.


“Managing Your Runaway Psychokinesis,” The Superpower Insider, May, 2018.


“Fire in the Hills: A Collective Remembrance, 1992.” Central piece,  page 118 and back cover.


“First Anniversary,” The East Bay Monthly, 1992.